Sulyiman Stokes

Sulyiman is a dynamic interdisciplinary artist hailing from Chicago’s South Side. While he is self-taught in many aspects of his artistry, Sulyiman’s introduction to music as a multidimensional medium for expression came early and has continued to shape much of his reality. With a mother who sang professionally and a dub artist turned international rockstar as a father, Sulyiman has always known that both creativity and sound are inevitable parts of his journey.

In 2020, Sulyiman shifted his artistic identity to that of an interdisciplinary artist, considering all aspects of his output to be in service of telling Black folks’ stories. His work began to stretch beyond music to include whatever medium would allow him to maximize expression in this way, including painting, photography, and videography. While music remains at the forefront, nothing is off limits.

In 2021, Sulyiman released demos. drive(vol. 1), which was a collection of groove based demos completed in 2020 while quarantined. This was also his first official release and served as a springboard for him to push himself harder and further into this realm as both a composer and a recording artist.

Sulyiman is currently working on a full-length album that represents the culmination of all of his years and findings as a composer. He is excited to see what happens next and how far this collection of references and musings will take him.

IG: @sulyiman_